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      AnHui Electric Group Shares Co.,Ltd.

      AnHui Electric Group Shares Co.,Ltd.

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      Contact Us

      Tel: +86-550-7309278
      Fax: +86-550-7309288
      Mobile: +86-13905505237
      E-mail: 13905505237@163.com
      Add: No.128, Tiancha Road, Economic Zone, Tianchang, Anhui, P.R.China
      QQ: 641289349
      QQ: 641289349


      The following warranty is exclusive and in lieu of all other warranties, whether express or implied, or statutory, including, but not by way of limitation, any warranty of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose.

      Standard Warranty

      One year limited warranty administered by Anhui Electric Group(CAHE) on its products.

      Extended Warranty

      25-Year limited warranty administered by Anhui Electric Group on its products, upon registration for extended warranty.

      Standard and Extended Warranty Terms/Conditions

      Anhui Electric Group warrants that all Products are, at the time of shipment to the Buyer, free of material and workmanship defects, provided that no warranty is made with respect to:

      (1) any Product which has been repaired or altered, by Buyer, its agents or employees, or any third party not under control of Anhui Electric Group, in such a way, in Anhui Electric Group's judgment, as to affect the Product adversely.

      (2) any Product which has, in Anhui Electric Group's judgment, been subject to negligence, accident or improper storage or transport by Buyer, its agents or employees, or third party not under control of CAHE.

      (3) any Product which has not been installed, operated and maintained in accordance with normal practice and in conformity with recommendations and published specifications of CAHE Products Corporation.

      WAIVER OF DEFECTS BY RETENTION. Upon discovery of a defect, the Buyer shall notify CAHE in writing within 30 days following its discovery of the defect, any claim that Buyer may have with respect to any Products delivered hereunder, and failure to give such notice within the specified time shall constitute trial and unqualified acceptance and waiver of all claims and warranties with respect to the Products.

      LIMITATION OF DAMAGES. Upon receipt of notice from Buyer of non-conforming Products, CAHE may inspect such Products at Buyer's location, installation or require that they be returned to Shanghai F.O.B. Company's Corporate Headquarters location. At its option, CAHE shall repair, replace or refund the purchase price of any non-conforming Products for a period of 12 months from the date of shipment of the products to Buyer, and such obligations shall be the full extent of CAHE's liability for breach of warranty. CAHE's liability with respect to any material not of CAHE's manufacture shall be limited to the liability assumed by the vendor(s) of such material. Repairs to, alterations of, or work done on Products warranted by CAHE, but without CAHE's prior written authorization shall void CAHE's warranty on the Product.

      The Buyer consents that the exclusive venue of any legal action which in any way concerns the Products will be the Medium Court, Tianchang,Anhui,China. The parties further agree that all disputes are governed by China's Law, and must be commenced within 12 months of the date of shipment of the Products to Buyer. Moreover, if CAHE brings a claim or counterclaim against Buyer, Buyer agrees that CAHE may recover from the Buyer all reasonable cost and attorneys fees.

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